• Traffic signs

    manufacture since 1993
  • We are certificated company

    ISO 9001, EN 12 899, EN 12 966

Advertising and signage

Illuminated advertisements

The design of illuminated advertisements is derived from that of illuminated signs. The difference is in the size, shape, colour, securing method and graphics. Good visibility and technical quality, durability and low weight remain the same. The metal parts are made of aluminium-based alloys and protected by anodic oxidation or varnish. Exposed connecting pieces are made of stainless steel.

We use quality fluorescent tubes as light sources. The panel is 115 or 170 mm deep. Larger panels are reinforced by a built-in frame. The graphics are made of a translucent film according to the customer's requirements.

Světelné reklamySvětelné reklamySvětelné reklamy

Variable advertisement panels

The system mechanically changes the visible surface, composed of three-sided prisms. The image exchange is controlled by a microprocessor, with programmable waive effects and exchange intervals. The advertisement panels are made of aluminium-based alloys. The design allows for various sizes and versions. The panels can be stationed inside as well as outdoors, on a special base or hung on a wall or framework. Panel frame colour can be selected from the RAL swatch.

Proměnné reklamní panelyProměnné reklamní panely

Reflex and non-reflex, cut and printed graphics

We also make advertisement boards, company signs and billboards of many sizes and types, made of pressed metal sheets and aluminium brackets. Our software contains over 2,000 fonts and 120,000 images. We offer cut graphics made of self-adhesive non-retroreflective or retroreflective film, and we print stickers.

Reflexní a nereflexní reklamní panely, řezaná a tištěná grafikaReflexní a nereflexní reklamní panely, řezaná a tištěná grafika

Reflexní a nereflexní reklamní panely, řezaná a tištěná grafika

Vehicle marking signs

We pay special attention to the choice of materials and their application on vehicles. Self-adhesive films and serigraphic colours are increasingly exposed in traffic. The film must be sufficiently flexible to be applied over shaped metal sheets. We offer class 1 and class 2 non-retroreflective and retroreflective self-adhesive films. Our largest customer for these products is Škoda Auto.

We supply Škoda Auto with adhesive signs for Czech Police and municipal police vehicles.

Označování vozidelOznačování vozidel

Označování vozidelOznačování vozidel

Označování vozidel

Označování vozidel

Safety signs

Signs are made of non-reflex foil and of aluminium 2 mm thick sheet. We supply holders made of aluminium profiles for the tables. The height of the sign is 250 mm.

Bezpečnostní značky