• Traffic signs

    manufacture since 1993
  • We are certificated company

    ISO 9001, EN 12 899, EN 12 966


Reflective traffic signs

Motorway D5, exit 50
Motorway D5, exit 62
Motorway D5, project "Rozvadov customs"
Express road R10, exit 3
Express road R10, exit 10
Express road R1, project "TV Chaby – Jinočanská road"
Express road R35, project "Liberec − Jeřmanice"
Motorway D5, sign IS 23 "Konstantinovy lázně"
Signs for new traffic layout after opening of 0510/IB and 0510/IV projects
Road I/13, project "Chomutov − extension, stage 3 "
Motorway D1, exits 29, 34 and 41
Motorway D1, sign IS 23 "Průhonický park"
Motorway D11, exits 8, 18, 25, 35 and 39
Road I/16, construction "Robousy"
Motorway D3, construction 0306 − I, Mezno − Chotoviny
Express road R63, exit 3
Motorway D11, construction 1105-I Chýšť – Osičky
Motorway D8, construction 0807/I, part A Trmice − Knínice
Motorway D11, construction 1104 − II Dobšice − Chýšť, part C
Signs for the project "Extension of road I/6, Karlovy Vary západ"
Motorway D1, signs IS 23 "Konopiště", "Jemniště" and "Kutná Hora"
Motorway D11, construction 1104/IA Libice − Dobšice
Motorway D11, construction 1104/II Dobšice − Chýšť, part F
Signs for the project "Motorway D1, Centrum Praha jih Chodov, Chodovská radial road"
Express road R6, MÚK Unhošť − MÚK Nové Strašecí
Signs for the project "Road I/14 Liberec − Kunratická, stage 1"
Motorway D8, construction 0807/II Knínice − border bridge, part H − route Petrovice − border bridge
Motorway D5, construction 0510/IB Černice − Útušice

Variable message signs (VMS) and traffic information displays (TID)

LED VMS A 8 − A 27, E 3a, E 4 + TID on motorway D1, km 16,442, 88,870, 151,600, 18,835, 124,040 and 179,960
LED VMS B 20a with a radar unit on road I/6, project "Lubenec extension"
LED VMS A 8, A 24, E 4 on road I/13 in Chotějovice
TID (Temperature sign) on motorway D8, km 1,060, 14,800 and 19,095
LED VMS A 8, A 24, E 3a, E 4 on motorway D8, km 14,900 and 18,915
LED VMS A 8 − A 27, E 3a, E 4 + TID on motorway D8, km 10,900 and 20,950
TID (Temperature sign) on motorway D47, construction 47091.1 and 47091.2 Hrušov − Bohumín, stages 1 and 2
LED VMS on motorway D47, construction 47091.1 and 47091.2 Hrušov − Bohumín, stages 1 and 2
LCD variable traffic signs (Car park occupancy) for project "Bondy centrum in Mladá Boleslav"
LCD variable traffic signs (Car park occupancy) for project "ITP Brumlovka"
Prismatic VMS for project "SSZ 5.568 K Barrandovu − Pod Habrovou"
Prismatic VMS for project "Road I/42 Brno, VMO, MÚK Hlinky, PS C013"
Prismatic VMS for project "Reconstruction SSZ 7.002 Nábřeží Kapitána Jaroše − Štefáníkův most − PS 02"
Prismatic VMS for project "SSZ 7.155 Milady Horákové − Korunovační − PS 03"
LED and LCD variable traffic signs (Car park occupancy) for project "Palladium, Náměstí Republiky 1"
Prismatic VMS for project "MU Brno–University campus Bohunice – AVVA Infrastruktura"
TID on motorway D47, construction 4707, Bílovec − Ostrava, Rudná, Klimkovice tunnel
LED, prismatic VMS and TID on motorway D47, construction 4707, Bílovec − Ostrava, Rudná (excluding tunnel)
Prismatic VMS for the "Gasalarm" event (Germany)
LED VMS A 8 − A 27, E 3a, E 4 + TID on motorway D8, km 41,900, 78,340 and 86,450
Prismatic VMS for project "Road I/42 Brno VMO, MÚK Hlinky"
TID on express road R 35, km 272,422
LED VMS B 20a, radar-controlled, for the city of Prague
Prismatic VMS for Prague Airport
Prismatic VMS (Car park occupancy) for project "Navigation of drivers to selected car parks" in Brno
Prismatic VMS for project "Reconstruction of road I/49 Zlín − Malenovice"
Prismatic VMS for project "Motorway D 2 Bratislava, Lamačská cesta − Staré Grunty" (Sitina tunnel, Slovakia)
LED VMS B 20a with a radar unit for ŘSD ČR, Správa Chomutov
Prismatic VMS for Hřebeč tunnel on road I/35
LED VMS on motorway D5, construction 0510/IB, Černice − Útušice, Valík tunnel
LED VMS on motorway D8, construction 0807/II, parts F and G, Panenská and Libouchec tunnels
Prizmatic and LCD VMS (Car park occupancy) for project "Motorway D1, Centrum Praha jih Chodov, Chodovská radial road"
Prismatic and LED VMS for the "Parkleitsystem Gelsenkirchen" event (Germany)
LED, prismatic VMS and TID on motorway D8, construction 0807/II Knínice − border bridge, part H − route Petrovice − border bridge
LED, prismatic VMS and TID on motorway D5, construction 0510/IB Černice − Útušice
Prismatic PDZ for the "Einstein Motorway" event (Slovakia)
Motorway D1, construction 4707 Bílovec − Ostrava, Rudná

Illuminated signs

Motorway D5, construction 0510/IB, Černice − Útušice, Valík tunnel
Motorway D8, construction 0807/II, parts F and G, Panenská and Libouchec tunnels
Tìšnov tunnel − city of Prague

Municipal information systems

Public transport timetable signposts for the city of Plzeň
Public transport timetable signposts for Prague Airport


Large-scale advertisements for the construction project "Motorway D8, construction 0805 Lovosice − Řehlovice"
Advertisement billboards for construction project by SSŽ, Central Bohemia, Plant 3 − Prague
Vehicle retroreflective graphic solution of police cars for ŠKODA AUTO a. s.