• Traffic signs

    manufacture since 1993
  • We are certificated company

    ISO 9001, EN 12 899, EN 12 966

Prismatic message signs

We offer, according to the design of drives of individual prisms, two systems of change of active sign area:

  • System of separate engines

is based on mechanical change of the active area which is made up of triangular prisms. Each prism is powered by a stepper engine with position sensor, controlled by central electronics. The position of the individual prisms is continuously checked, in the event of an external intervention, after unlocking the prisms concerned, they  automatially return to the selected position. If the front variable area is set to the correct position, the control output is activated. The prisms are locked in the rest position by the so-called rest torque of the stepper engine. The advantage of this system is that in the event of blocking one prism the entire display area will not fail and it will remain partially legible.The disadvantage of this system is the slightly higher energy consumption and higher production costs.


  • Single drive system

​​​​​​​of the entire display area where the individual rotating prisms are provided with their own transmission system, connected to the main mechanical axes and the position sensor.



According to the requirements  for the location, we offer in the route:

  • Structural design of an open box for free route

is designed as a modular one made of aluminium sheets and structural profiles. Large area prismatic signs are structurally designed as individual segments, which can be transported in separate units. IP cover is only for individual electrical parts such as motors, position sensors and control electronics.  Example solutions are shown on images below.

Lights       Lights


The design of the enclosed box with internal frontal illumination is mainly used for enclosed spaces such as tunnels. The outer structure of the box can be made of stainless steel or aluminium sheet.

Lights            Lights


Sign control system:

Central unit control of variable message signs /VMS/ is possible via serial line RS 485, RS 232 or various modifications of the parallel interface. And also by Ethernet or Modbus.

The connection between the control electronics of the sign and the traffic control centre is possible, in addition to the classic cable connection, also through various wireless transmissions, including the GSM mobile transmission system.

VMS is charged from the electrical grid TN-S 230 V/50 Hz. If required, it is possible to supplement with backup source with automatic charging. The connection between the control electronics of the sign and the traffic control centre is possible, in addtion to the classic cable connection, through various wireless transmissions, including the GSM mobile transmission.